Cash Calculator : Is the most simple solution to your money counting problem. Now Calculate all the
看更多 »Simple Calculator
Loan Calculator Simple & Advanced Option
This is a good utility app which provides various options to calculate the loan schedule with simple
看更多 »Simple Beam Calculator (Steel)
This is a simple steel beam calculator. You can do a beam analysis with it.When you know the weight
看更多 »Simple Nicotine Calculator (NicoShots Ca
This application is design to simple calculate the amount of E-Liquid(NicoShots) witch is needed to
看更多 »Simple Age Calculator -Easy age & date c
If you're thinking how old you are, it is sometimes inconvenient to calculate our age or days be
看更多 »Simple Salary Calculator Denmark
Why it has to be so complicated to get an approximation of the taxes you are going to pay? Calculate
看更多 »Percent Calculator Simple - AP
1.Calculate Percents of Value (85 of 25% = 21,25)2.Calculate value plus Percent ( increase by percen
看更多 »Simple Calculator Pro
Simple Calculator Pro is the perfect calculator for your smartphone! It is very light (only a few Ki
看更多 »Simple Z-score Calculator (UK)
One of the tools used by financial analysts to assess the viability of a business is Altman’s Z-scor
看更多 »Simple Calculator - Calculation area / A
Simple design calculator.This is the most suitable calculator app for smartphones.Please try this ca
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